
Herbal Medicine Making for Moms
This self paced, online course is made just for moms to show you how to make herbal remedies from home for your whole family. You will learn to make herbal tea, glycerites, tinctures, oils, salves, baths, and syrups. The course has recipes and step by step instruction.

Included in the Herbal Medicine Making for Moms
Learn how to make herbal remedies including: Herbal Tea, Nourishing Infusions, Decoctions, Glycerites, Tinctures, Body Oils, Salves, and Syrups.
In Depth Insight on the Medicinal Uses and Backgrounds of Each Herb in the Course
Coaching and Instruction from a Practicing Herbalist on Proper Preperation Style to Help You Make Each Remedy
Information on Which Herbal Remedy to Make
Printable How To's for Each Herbal Remedy
Printable Herbal Recipes for Kids Created by a Certified Herbalist
The Comfort of Knowing All Recipes Have Been Tested (and Created) by a Mom
Email Access to a 3600 Hour Certified Herbalist
Reviews for Herbal Medicine Making for Moms
"In this course [Herbal Medicine Making for Moms], Amanda lets you soak up so much for her knowledge and experience. The information she provides as a certified and practiced herbalist empowers you to begin to successfully make and use natural remedies for yourself and your family. I can't recommend this course enough fro those who want to deepen their body of knowledge about herbs and remedies and learn tried and true ways to prepare their own herbal remedies at home." -Amara, Columbus, OH
"This course is amazing! Amanda makes it super simple and doable. she gives you easy to understand education on each herb in the recipes she provides so you have some knowledge on why they are used and how they can benefit you. then she gives step by step instructions on different methods to use herbs in every day life along with some delicious recipes! it is all self paced, well put together, and helped me to feel empowered to use herbs for the benefit of myself and my family! i highly recommend taking this course!" - Jacque, Mesa, AZ